
The Center for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Education at Science Tokyo promotes data science and AI education throughout the university, transcending the boundaries of various specialized fields. The center helps cultivate “co-creative experts” who can solve social problems in a cross-disciplinary manner. Furthermore, this education is not only offered within the university, but has also been rolled out at other universities in Japan and overseas.

Co-creative experts
(1) Theoretical foundation for making full use of DS and AI
(2) Collaborate with diverse people across specialization boundaries on DS and AI
(3) Educate and guide young people in charge of the future of DS and AI

Students will acquire not only theoretical and academic education but also social problem-solving skills. Through the formation of a consortium for the cultivation of advanced IT experts through industry-academia collaboration, students will learn applied methods from company representatives, as well as acquire advanced knowledge and skills.


Center for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Education


The center offers more than 10 courses in total, from basic education in data science and AI that all students should learn regardless of specialization, to advanced education to develop “co-creative experts” who will make full use of data science and AI in their specialized fields.


The center is implementing a university-wide education program in three levels: the literacy level, which aims to develop basic skills to understand and use DS and AI appropriately; the advanced literacy level, which aims to develop problem-solving skills using DS and AI; and the expert level, which aims to develop advanced knowledge and practical skills using DS and AI.


As a base for DS&AI education in the Kanto Plain, the center will cooperate with and expand to other universities and technical colleges in Japan and overseas. The center is collaborating with 30 plus companies to develop expert level human resources, and is promoting education to cultivate "co-creative experts".