Overview of Center
Since 2019, the Tokyo Institute of Technology has been the first in Japan to implement a University-wide Education in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. The center has expanded university-wide education and established a program to cultivate top talent, and promoted creating a location for data science and AI education for its development. The purpose of this program is to cultivate “co-creative experts” who can solve problems and provide educational guidance beyond the boundaries of specialized fields.
Under the Steering Committee of the Center for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Education, which consists of members selected from Science Tokyo's 6 schools, 3 Academies, and interdisciplinary courses, the center has set up five departments: University-wide Education Department, Social Partnership Department, Information Infrastructure and Public Relations Department, Planning and Research Department, Medical Education Development, and the Administrative Office. Through this mutual cooperation, the center operates university-wide educational programs, etc., and aims for students to acquire the basic knowledge of problem-solving skills.

Annual report
Self-check and evaluation
Greeting from the Director
With the establishment of Science Tokyo, we are expanding our university-wide education in the field of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, covering a wide range of fields, from science and engineering to medicine and dental science. This is the result of collaboration between the former Tokyo Institute of Technology and the former Tokyo Medical and Dental University, which has worked as Core school and as School of specialized fields in the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology’s “Promotion of Nationwide Deployment of Mathematics, Data Science, and AI Education” project.
Specifically, in the school of science and engineering, based on the University-wide Education in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence that started in 2019 ahead of the rest of the country, has promoted a "co-creative expert development program" to develop top talent. In 2022, the institute established the “Center of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence” with the goal of making it an educational base for expanding to other universities. The school of medical and dental science has promoted the development of the program to nationwide universities in the field of medical, dental, and pharmaceutical sciences since FY2022, and joined the Center for Data Science and AI Education in October 2024.
We aim to cultivate talent that can (1) make full use of DS and AI, (2) boost interaction across disciplines with the help of DS and AI, and (3) teach DS and AI. In other words, we consider an expert someone who not only has advanced expertise and skills in data science and AI (abbreviated below as DS and AI), but is also a “co-creative experts” who can produce innovations across the boundaries of specialized fields and cultivate talent who will be responsible for the future.
In order to develop top talent with these three abilities, the Center for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Education will provide systematized education at the literacy level, advanced literacy level, expert level, and expert level plus to all Science Tokyo students in the bachelor's, master's, and doctoral programs. Future plans include a "co-creative expert development program" that makes the most of the characteristics of a comprehensive science and technology university, and can be expanded to other universities.

EducationYoshihiro Miyake
Management system and faculty members
Center faculty
Yoshihiro Miyake
Director / Professor, School of Computing
Areas of specialization: Co-creation system / Communication science / Cognitive neuroscience / Human interface
Isao Ono
Vice Director / Professor, School of Computing
Areas of specialization: Evolutionary computation / Reinforcement learning / Optimization
Jun Sakuma
Professor, School of Computing
Areas of specialization: Machine learning / Artificial intelligence / AI security / Data privacy
Atsuhiro Kinoshita
Professor, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences
Areas of specialization: Dental education / Computer simulation / Periodontal tissue regeneration / Periodontitis
Hideyuki Shimizu
Professor, Institute of Integrated Research, M&D Data Science Center
Areas of specialization: Machine learning / Bioinformatics / Clinical informatics
Asako Kanezaki
Associate Professor, School of Computing
Areas of specialization: Machine learning / Robotics / Pattern recognition / Computer vision / 3D object recognition
Keisuke Yanagisawa
Assistant Professor, School of Computing
Areas of specialization: Bioinformatics / Computational drug discovery / Machine learning applications
Hidetoshi Sekiguchi
Executive Vice President for Education
Osamu Jinnouchi
Professor, School of Science
Tsuyoshi Isshiki
Professor, School of Engineering
Teruoki Tago
Professor, School of Materials and Chemical Technology
Takashi Ishida
Professor, School of Computing
Takafumi Kanamori
Professor, School of Computing
Yasuhiko Minamide
Professor, School of Computing
Tsuyoshi Murata
Professor, School of Computing
Takehiko Itoh
Professor, School of Life Science and Technology
Yukihiko Yamashita
Professor, Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning
Manzhos Sergei
Associate Professor, School of Materials and Chemical Technology
Masakazu Sekijima
Associate Professor, School of Computing
Kei Sakamura
Associate Professor, School of Environment and Society
Yu Tao
Specially Appointed Associate Professor, Academy for Super Smart Society
Miho Ishimaru
Junior Associate Professor, School of Medical and Dental Sciences
Specially Appointed Faculty
Tagui Ichikawa
Specially Appointed Professor, Center for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Education
Areas of specialization: Social Systems and Policies of Technology and Innovation / Digital and AI Governance Policy
Kenji Suzuki
Specially Appointed Professor, Center for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Education
Areas of specialization: AI ethics / Artificial intelligence / Machine learning / Information law
Norio Tomii
Specially Appointed Professor, Center for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Education
Areas of specialization: Scheduling algorithm / Data analysis / Machine Learning
Katsumi Nitta
Specially Appointed Professor, Center for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Education
Areas of specialization: Artificial intelligence and law / Dialogue informatics / Mathematical argumentation
Kei Miyazaki
Specially Appointed Professor, Center for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Education
Areas of specialization: Marketing science / Statistical science
Keiji Okumura
Specially Appointed Associate Professor, Center for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Education
Areas of specialization: Nonlinear science / Complex systems science
Takeaki Sudo
Specially Appointed Junior Associate Professor, Center for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Education
Areas of specialization: Periodontitis / Machine learning
Cao Ridan
Specially Appointed Assistant Professor, Center for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Education
Areas of specialization: Comprehensive Dentistry